These are archives of Daily and Weekly eDigests on the old website. Look below to see what topics were covered in each email.

eDigests: August 2020

August 27, 2020

August 19, 2020

August 12, 2020

August 5, 2020

eDigests: July 2020

July 29, 2020

July 22, 2020

July 15, 2020

July 8, 2020

July 1, 2020

eDigests: June 2020

June 24, 2020

June 18, 2020

June 15, 2020

June 11, 2020

June 8, 2020

June 4, 2020

June 1, 2020

eDigests: May 2020

May 29, 2020

May 28, 2020

May 27, 2020

May 26, 2020

May 22, 2020

May 21, 2020

May 20, 2020

May 19, 2020

May 15, 2020

May 14, 2020

May 13, 2020

May 12, 2020

May 11, 2020

May 8, 2020

May 7, 2020

May 6, 2020

May 5, 2020

May 4, 2020

May 1, 2020

eDigests: April 2020

April 7, 2020

April 8, 2020

April 9, 2020

April 10, 2020

April 13, 2020

April 14, 2020

April 15, 2020

April 16, 2020

April 17, 2020

April 20, 2020

April 21, 2020

April 22, 2020

April 23, 2020

April 27, 2020

April 28, 2020

April 29,2020

April 30, 2020

eDigests: March 2020

March 27, 2020

Read this News to Use via Browser

March 24, 2020

Read this News to Use via Browser

  • Governor signs stay-at-home order
  • Presbytery office closed until April 14, 2020
  • ZOOM available to churches

March 19, 2020

Read this News to Use via Browser

  • Can churches celebrate communion while worshiping virtually?
  • The presbytery encourages – in the strongest terms possible – virtual worship, gatherings
  • Learn about accepting online donations, getting up-to-date info from CDC
  • A message from the Board of Pension
  • Seen on Facebook: a story by Kristin Stroble
  • The Practice of Contemplation