Presbytery Meeting

Next Stated Meeting of the Presbytery

The next Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan will be held on Saturday, September 14, 2024,  at the First Presbyterian Church of Paw Paw.

Please direct questions about the Stated Meeting details to

Upcoming Due Dates

  •  August 8, 2024 – Docket Requests Due
  • August 20, 2024 – Meeting Registration Opens
  • August 28, 2024 – Deadline for Packet Materials
  • August 29, 2024 – Preliminary Meeting Packet Posted
  • August 31, 2024 – Preliminary Docket Posted
  • September 5, 2024 – Meeting Registration Closes
  • September 7, 2024 – Final Meeting Packet and Docket Posted
  • September 10, 2024 – Training for New Commissioners
  • September 14, 2024 – Stated Meeting at First Presbyterian Church, Paw Paw

Stated Meeting Packet

Preliminary materials (schedule, consent agenda, docket items, and other documents) for the next Stated Meeting will be available August 31, 2024. Questions about the documents should be submitted to

Documents from Previous Meetings

Document packets from previous Stated Meetings are archived in the Presbytery Records folder. This folder may be accessed with a username and passcode known to the pastor, Clerk of Session, and lead administrative support staff at each church. Please contact one of these individuals to gain access to the folder and information. If the congregation does not have the passcode, please send a message to for help.

Excused Absences

Teaching elders unable to attend the meeting should remember to request an excused absence by using this link.

Stated Meeting Feedback

Tell us how you think the Stated Meeting went by filling out the feedback form! This will help presbytery staff and leaders continue to improve the process.

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Be informed in all the things that are happening in our Presbytery.

Next Stated Meetings

The next regular Stated Meeting will be at 9:30 a.m. Saturday 14, 2024, and will be hosted by First Presbyterian Church of Paw Paw

Visit the Presbytery Meetings page of this website and watch the eDIGEST for updated information about how to register for the meeting and where to find the Presbytery packet.

The Presbytery of Lake Michigan, 1511 Helen Avenue, Portage, MI 49002 | Copyrighted © 2022