Applications are being accepted now for the 2022 PLM Property Scholarships and Grants.
Click here for an explanation of how these grants and scholarships are funded and the formula approved by presbytery members in December 2018 to determine what funds are available each year,
Funds will be awarded for:
Congregations and Worshipping Communities Grants to help fund community outreach programs, justice ministry work or a new worshipping community. Click below for the application.
Youth Ministries Grants to help individual youth participate in leadership programs and workshops and churches to provide such opportunities. Click below for the application.
Camping Scholarships to help individual youth pay registration fees to attend Presbyterian-related camps in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana. Click below for the application.
Completed applications must be received by Monday, April 18, 2022, and may be submitted via email to office@lakemichiganpresbytery.org or via postal mail to 1511 Helen Avenue, Portage, MI 49002. (If sending via postal mail, please allow adequate time for delivery.)
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