Returning full jurisdiction to the Synod of the Covenant to govern itself, defining focus points for 2022 and electing key leaders were among actions taken when Synod commissioners assembled virtually on October 9, 2021.

Synod commissioners agreed during the virtual meeting that “we’ll try anything to equip and support leaders who are attending to God’s creative, emerging future.” Specifically, the Synod will work at:

  1. Encouraging and supporting faith communities to be vital.
  2. Eradicating structural racism and modeling inclusion.
  3. Experimenting with new ways to be church and to live out our faith.
  4. Connecting presbyteries, congregations and leaders to reach the first three foci. 

Click here to see more details about the Synod’s 2022 theme and ministry foci.

Meanwhile, members of the General Assembly Administrative Commission authorized in March 2019 voted to allow the Synod to again govern itself with jurisdiction retained only for currently ongoing legal process purposes. Click here to read more about the administrative commission and comments each of its members made in supporting the motion. 

Synod commissioners also elected some key leaders during the assembly, including:

  • Moderator – Rev. Deborah Uchtman of the Presbytery of Detroit.
  • Vice Moderator – Elder Adrienne Adams of the Presbytery of Detroit.
  • Interim Stated Clerk – Rev. Fran Lane-Lawrence of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan. Click here to find her biographical statement and contact information.
  • Treasurer – Elder Martha Blenman of the Presbytery of Detroit. Click here to find her biographical statement and contact information.