Presbytery of Lake Michigan

Teaching Elders
Clerks of Session
Congregational Administrative Staff 

Friends –

Since the September 19, 2020 Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan will be held via Zoom electronic meeting technology, the examinations of three candidates for ordination will follow the process outlined below so that we can make the most effective use of time.

  • The candidates WILL NOT read their statements of faith during the presbytery meeting.
  • The statements of faith provided by the candidates are attached to this correspondence for your convenience, and may be found the presbytery packet posted on the website.
  • After reviewing the statements of faith, each Presbyter/Commissioner is asked to forward questions for any of the candidates to the Stated Clerk by Tuesday, September 15, 2020, via a message to  Please designate to which candidate the question is being directed.
  • At the Stated Meeting, members of the Commission on the Preparation for Ministry will ask a candidate between three and five questions. These questions will be selected from all questions submitted for that specific candidate. The number of questions asked is being limited so the process can be completed within the allotted meeting time.
  • The candidate will be given 10 minutes to answer the selected questions as meeting participants watch.
  • After 10 minutes, the examination will be suspended.
  • After a time of discussion, the presbytery will vote whether or not to approve the candidate for ordination.
  • The examination process will be repeated three times during the September 19 meeting – once each for Brigette Kemink, Kyle Nolan and Teresa Larson.  

Please make sure the commissioner(s) elected to represent your congregation at the September 19, 2020 Stated Meeting of the presbytery receive this information. If you have any questions, please contact me via the email above or via telephone at (269) 240-8155. 

Peace — 

Rev. Fran Lane-Lawrence 

Transitional Co-Leader/ Stated Clerk