The Presbytery of Lake Michigan welcomes Rev. Annamarie Groenenboom who will be serving as the Associate Clerk. As the Associate Clerk, Annamarie will support and assist the Stated Clerk, Leadership Team, and Commission on Ministry with their work. She will also coordinate and plan Presbytery Stated Meetings and assist with responsibilities in the Presbytery Office. Annamarie is most excited to work with and offer training to Clerks of Session in the Presbytery.

Annamarie will be present in the Presbytery office in Portage, MI, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9am-2pm. 

Annamarie was born and raised in Grand Rapids, MI. She earned her M.Div. from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and MSW from the University of Pittsburgh in 2017. After graduation, Annamarie worked as a licensed social worker in an inpatient psychiatric hospital.

Annamarie has also worked in a wide range of ministry settings including a small rural congregation in Pennsylvania and a large suburban congregation in Washington D.C. Most recently, Annamarie served as the pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Schoolcraft, MI. She also joyfully serves as the Associate Clerk of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan.

In her free time, she loves to spend time with her husband, Mitch, and daughter, Penelope, at their new home in Portage, MI. She also enjoys reading, crocheting, all things Marvel and Star Wars, and playing Dungeons and Dragons.