Every organization has some key important documents that are needed on occasion to conduct business.

These documents, for congregations within the Presbytery of Lake Michigan, may include:

  • Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws
  • Deeds and other documents related to the church building and other properties
  • Applications and supporting paperwork for loans
  • Information related to valuable items covered by insurance policies.

Numerous individuals have reached out in recent months to see if copies of some of these important documents might be located within the presbytery files. Presbytery staff were able to help in a few situations because some document copies were archived in the presbytery files… but other congregations were left scrambling to locate the needed documents.

Congregational leaders are encouraged to make sure that they know where original copies of these important documents are located and to send a copy of those documents to be archived in the presbytery files.

Contact the presbytery’s office manager at office@lakemichiganpresbytery.org to check what documents your congregation might have archived in the presbytery files and to submit documents to be archived.