Applications now are being accepted from individuals interested in serving as contract supply pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Schoolcraft and church administrator at First Presbyterian Church in Hastings.

Seeking Contract Supply Pastor in Schoolcraft

Session members in Schoolcraft seek someone to deliver Sunday sermons, provide some pastoral care, respond via phone to urgent events, perform some administrative duties and, if the individual is ordained, officiate at funerals and moderate Session and congregational meetings. The manse furnished enough for occupancy is available, if desired. For more details, contact Elder Barbara Barnett via email at or via phone at (269) 679-5877.

Update: 6/25/2019
The position has been filled.

Seeking Church Administrator in Hastings

In Hastings, the Session seeks a part-time church administrator to oversee day-to-day administrative tasks, human resource functions, physical operations, technology and staff communications tasks so the pastor and ministry staff can focus on providing ministry. Supervisory experience required, and a bachelor’s degree desired. Interested applicants should send a one-page cover letter and resume to More details below or by requesting a copy of the job description via email.

Update: 6/25/2019
The position has been filled.