From June 24 to July 4, committees and commissioners to the 226th General Assembly gathered to discern God’s will through a variety of impactful decisions and actions. They convened online and in person at the Salt Palace Convention Center, addressing crucial issues and setting the course for the future. Below are significant outcomes from this pivotal gathering.

Look for personal summaries from our staff and delegates in upcoming eDigests.

The Rev. Jihyun Oh is elected and installed as Stated Clerk

With the support of family members, over 500 commissioners, and advisory delegates, Rev. Jihyun Oh was elected and installed as the next Stated Clerk of the General Assembly on Monday, July 1,2024. Currently serving as the director of Mid Council Ministries in the Office of the General Assembly, she will begin her new role on August 1.

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The Rev. CeCe Armstrong and the Rev. Tony Larson are selected as Co-Moderators

Commissioners to the 226th General Assembly elected two South Carolina pastors, the Rev. CeCe Armstrong and the Rev. Tony Larson, as the next Co-Moderators. Armstrong and Larson won the election with a vote of 249 to 171 during an evening plenary at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Utah. They were installed by their predecessors, the Rev. Ruth Faith Santana-Grace and the Rev. Shavon Starling-Louis, who received a standing ovation for their service and provided the new Co-Moderators with insights into their upcoming responsibilities.

Both portions of the ‘Olympia Overture’ are approved

POL-01, which had been divided into two parts, will amend the Book of Order to include sexual orientation and gender identity among the categories against which this Church does not discriminate. Lengthy discussions took place on this item. The item will be sent to presbyteries for ratification.

General Assembly backtracks on complete divestment from the fossil fuel industry

In a surprise reversal on Tuesday, the Assembly made an about-face by deciding against complete divestment from the fossil fuel industry after having voted in favor of it that morning. After tough and lengthy discussion, commissioners voted to disapprove ENV-02 and instead go with an amended version of ENV-06.

Worship, committee meetings, plenary sessions, analysis, and other GA226 news can be found at