Two engaging upcoming events are available through the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship.
On June 15 at 10 AM Central, join the Progressive Issues Briefing online. Before the General Assembly begins, this is your chance to ask questions and hear from leaders in the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, Israel/Palestine Mission Network, Presbyterians for Earth Care, More Light, and others about upcoming overtures and recommendations. Commissioners and those interested in the General Assembly, don’t miss this valuable opportunity!
Then, on Saturday, June 22 at 10 AM Central, attend the annual Peacemakers Breakfast virtually. This event will feature the esteemed peacemaker Zoughbi Al Zoughbi from the Wi’am Conflict Transformation Center in Bethlehem, West Bank, music by the talented Matthew Black, a celebration of the Peaceseeker Award Winner, and a preview of what’s coming next for the PPF. Everyone is welcome to join this celebration of peace!
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