Special programs are scheduled for Clerks of Session to learn about changes made to the Book of Order, and how to create an administrative operations manual for their congregation.
Dinner with the Book of Order at 6 p.m. Wednesday, August 23, 2023 via Zoom
Review what changes have been incorporated into the 2023-2025 Book of Order and how those changes impact the tasks Clerk of Sessions are responsible to complete.
The conversation will be led by the presbytery’s stated clerk, Rev. Fran Lane-Lawrence, and the assistant clerk, Rev. Annamarie Groenenboom.
PLEASE NOTE that this conversation will focus on topics relevant to Clerks of Session. Others with questions about the Book of Order changes are encouraged to contact Fran or Annamarie to schedule a conversation at another time.
Click here to register for the conversation and receive the Zoom link details.
Participants in this program are strongly encouraged to have a printed copy of the 2023-2025 Book of Order available during the conversation. Use an online order form to get a copy of the book for $10 through a bulk order with the presbytery. Ordered copies will be shipped to you as soon as payment is received.
Dinner with an Administrative Operations Manual at 6 p.m. Wednesday, October 4, 2023 via Zoom
Clerks of Session and pastors serving a congregation are invited to learn what items and materials should be included in an administrative operations manual and how to maintain it so the manual provides useful, current information.
The conversation will again be led by the presbytery’s stated clerk, Rev. Fran Lane-Lawrence, and the assistant clerk, Rev. Annamarie Groenenboom, with time for sharing ideas between participants.
Click here to register for the conversation and receive the Zoom link details.
Participants are strongly encouraged to review the “Developing a Manual of Administrative Operations” guide posted on the presbytery’s website under Clerk of Session resources.
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