Registration is now open for the 2023 gathering of Presbyterian Women in the Synod of the Covenant.
The event – scheduled to begin at 3:30 p.m. Friday, August 4, 2023, and conclude at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, August 5, 2023 at the First Presbyterian Church of Findlay, Ohio – will focus on “Shining the Light on the PW Purpose.”
The featured speaker will be Cheri Harper, a Presbyterian Women staff member, presenting information about the 2023-2024 Horizon Bible Study “Sacred Encounters.”
Other scheduled speakers include:
- Susan Jackson Dowd, PW executive Director.
- Willye Bryan, founder of the Greater Lansing Justice League.
- Candy Powell, a member of the Westminster Presbyterian Church in the Presbytery of Miami who was a 2022 Thank Offering recipient.
- Mary Lee Hultin of Bridging the Racial Divide.
- Sue Waechter of ACT Uganda.
- Rev. Dr. Chip Hardwick, Synod of the Covenant executive.
Registration is $50 per person until July 10, and then $75 per person. Registration closes July 21.
The mission project is collecting items for the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Hygiene Kits and assembling the kits at the gathering. Needed items include one-gallon zip-lock bags, 16-inch x 28-inch hand towels, wash cloths, wide-tooth combs, individually wrapped soap bars, adhesive bandages and individually wrapped toothbrushes. The group also will gather school supplies to support the host church’s fall mission project.
Find more details in an informational flyer.
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