Registration remains open for the November 1, 2022 special Called Meeting of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan to consider a recommendation from the Search Committee to elect an Associate Presbyter.
The meeting is scheduled for 11 a.m. at the Westminster Presbyterian Church of Portage.
Teaching elders, ruling elder commissioners, balancing elders, corresponding members, presenters and staff are asked to complete advance registration using an online form available here. Visitors are welcome to attend and are asked to register using the same link.
Members of the Presbytery’s Leadership Team have called the meeting to receive a report of the Search Committee recommending that the Rev. Chrissy Westbury be examined and elected as the Associate Presbyter and that terms of call for the position be approved. Click here to learn more about recommendation.
Prior to the meeting, there will be a time of fellowship from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. so that members of the presbytery can get to know Rev. Westbury.
Guests and visitors wishing to attend the meeting can attend via a livestream video feed that may be found that day on the Presbytery Meeting page on the presbytery’s website.
The meeting packet materials are available here.
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