An updated directory for the Presbytery of Lake Michigan is now available.
This version – which can be found in the password-protected Presbytery Records folder – is designed so that it can be used on electronic devices or printed on letter-sized paper. The presbytery will NOT be printing copies of this directory for general distribution.
This directory is for private use only by members of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan. Information contained in this directory is not to be released or distributed to others.
Every effort has been put into making sure information included in the October 19, 2022 Presbytery of Lake Michigan directory is accurate and much time has been spent confirming the details. But a directory is compiled by humans and the information available to include constantly changes as life continues.
If the contact information for you personally or your congregation, group or program is inaccurate or has changed, PLEASE let the presbytery’s office manager know via a message to office@lakemichiganpresbytery.org with “DIRECTORY UPDATE” in the subject line. The directory database will be updated so it remains useful.
NOTE: Congregation members should contact their pastor, clerk of session or administrative support staff person to access the Presbytery Records folder. The user name to access Presbytery Records is a unique email assigned by the presbytery while the password is set by the pastor, clerk of session and/or administrative staff person. If someone in that team cannot access the Presbytery records folder, they should send a message to tech@lakemichiganpresbytery.org for help.
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