Presbyterian Youth Triennium (PYT) was cancelled this year due to ongoing COVID concerns.
But youth and leaders can explore ideas and enjoy activities based on the event’s theme – “When Did We See You?”
A mantra of the PYT team has been “that our call for this theme ‘When Did We See You?’ was so much more than an event. The call now was to launch this theme into the hearts and minds of our young Presbyterians,” says Gina Yeager-Buckley, Associate for Youth and Triennium.
Yeager-Buckley is quoted in a July 25, 2022 article by Michael Ferguson of the Presbyterian News Service about how and why the three resource guides were published online July 24, 2022 – the day that the PYT would have opened.
The resources include a:
- Group Study Guide that begins with the Matthew 25 initiative theme text and includes Bible studies, conversation starts, reflective experiences and group building activities.
- Recreation Guide with games, ice breakers, table activities and ideas to fully stage a themed party.
- Worship and Prayer Guide with liturgy for three separate worship experiences and links to a music playlist.
PYT organizers plan to release detailed plans, ideas, sample schedules and other resources later this fall to help people use the resources guides to create their own unique PYT-themed experiences.
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