Participants in a special Sunday Prayer Worship and an afternoon seminar on Sunday, August 14 will focus on seeking a peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula.
Both events are being hosted by the North Westminster Presbyterian Church at 743 North Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard in Lansing and online. To join online, visit the congregation’s website and click on the “Live Zoom Events” button.
The guest speaker will be the Rev. Chung Seong Kim, executive pastor of the North American Pacific Asian Disciples, a supporting organization for 18 different ethnic and linguistic groups in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. He has served as general secretary of the Korean Ecumenical Peace network in North America, and his lifelong passion has been reconciliation and peace in the Korean Peninsula.
The worship service for peace will begin at 10 a.m. that day. The sermon will focus on “Changing Question, from ‘Who is my . . . ?’ to ‘Am I . . . ?’” with a look at the Parable of the Samaritan as told in Luke 10:25-37.
The seminar – “Forgotten War: Reconciliation & Peace in Korean Peninsula” – will begin at 4 p.m. and be followed by a dinner reception at 6 p.m. at Boston’s Restaurant in the Eastwood Mall. RSVPs are requested by August 7 for the dinner only.
More information about the event is available in the flyer below or by contacting the church office at nwpcpoffice@gmail.com or (517) 484-8433.
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