Registration is open now for the next Presbytery of Lake Michigan Stated Meeting.
The meeting will be held Tuesday, June 14, 2022, with teaching elders, ruling elder commissioners, balancing elders, corresponding members, presenters and staff gathering in person. at First Presbyterian Church of Kalamazoo.
Guests and visitors wishing to attend the meeting can join via a livestream video feed that will be found that day on the Presbytery Meeting page at https://lakemichiganpresbytery.org/
The meeting will open at 9:30 a.m. Lunch will not be served. A list of area restaurants will be available for those who may wish to enjoy lunch together after the meeting adjourns.
As the presbytery continues living into its Matthew 25 commitment, presbytery members will explore when Christ is hungry in our midst. Rev. Rebecca Barnes, coordinator of the Presbyterian Hunger Program with the Presbyterian Mission Agency, is the keynote speaker. The PLM Cents-Ability Grants will be awarded, and the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated.
Teaching elders, ruling elder commissioners, balancing elders, corresponding members, presenters and staff need to register by Thursday, June 9, 2022. Click here to access the online registration form. In-person participants are asked to be fully vaccinated OR mask and social distance per CDC guidelines.
Thirty-second announcements will return during the next Stated Meeting.
Thirty-Second Announcements are just that: 30 seconds of screen time projected before and after Stated Meetings as congregations and Presbytery of Lake Michigan groups share information about activities, programs and ideas that might interest other presbytery members.
The announcements may include a screen with text information and/ or a short video clip but cannot last longer than 30 seconds. Decisions about the inclusion of Thirty-Second Announcements are at the discretion of the staff. (Please note that announcements about fundraising activities are not used.)
Requests to have a Thirty-Second Announcement must be submitted using an online form available here. Presbytery staff will then work with the identified contact person to get the announcement prepared.
Meanwhile, here are some key activities and dates to note as meeting preparations continue.
- Any materials to be included in the Stated Meeting packet must be submitted by Tuesday, May 31, 2022 to office@lakemichiganpresbytery.org
- The preliminary meeting packet will be available online by Thursday, June 2, 2022 on the Presbytery Meeting page at https://lakemichiganpresbytery.org. The final meeting packet will be available there by Tuesday, June 7, 2022.
- Orientation for new commissioners will be offered via Zoom at 9 a.m. Thursday, June 9, 2022. Participants should indicate interest in this training when registering to attend the Stated Meeting.
A link to provide feedback after the meeting is available on the Presbytery Meeting page at lakemichiganpresbytery.org.
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