Planning is underway to turn the disappointment of the cancelled 2022 Presbyterian Youth Triennium into a new opportunity for Presbyterian youth across Michigan to gather July 22-24 for worship, fellowship and fun.
The first ever Michigan Mini-Triennium will include worship, energizers and other fun activities — like what are usually offered during the national event — for rising ninth graders through graduating seniors who live within any presbytery in Michigan during a weekend at Camp Greenwood.
Costs and specific details are being coordinated by the Presbytery of Lake Michigan Youth Strategies Committee. Watch for more details to be posted at lakemichiganpresbytery.org and distributed via email from the Presbytery of Lake Michigan.
“Our goal is to turn the disappointment of the 2022 Presbytery Youth Triennium being cancelled because of COVID into a unique opportunity to come together with our siblings in Christ from around the state,” says Youth Strategies Committee Moderator Rev. Lynne (McQuown) Fry.
Anyone interested in helping plan – or attend – the event can contact Fry at lynne.mcquown@att.net.
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