The Presbytery of Lake Michigan has elected the Rev. Fran Lane-Lawrence to serve as its Executive Presbyter/Stated Clerk.
The election happened during the March 12, 2022 Stated Meeting, a few days after the Presbytery’s Search Committee introduced the Rev. Lane-Lawrence via online meetings. Rev. Lane-Lawrence led worship during the Stated Meeting and engaged in dialogue with commissioners and members. She was excused from the Stated Meeting as the Search Committee presented its recommendation to approve her call and to approve the Terms of Call. Following discussion of the recommendations, each recommendation was overwhelmingly approved. The Presbytery’s Moderator then led singing of the Doxology.
Rev. Lane-Lawrence, who has served as Transitional Co-Leader/Stated Clerk since September 2018, will be installed at the Executive Presbytery/Stated Clerk during a special Called Meeting of the Presbytery on Sunday, May 15, 2022. More details about the installation service will be provided soon.
Search Committee members now will proceed with searching for an Associate Presbyter to work alongside the Executive Presbyter/Stated Clerk.
Congratulations to Fran and to the Presbytery! An outstanding choice!