Tis the season for churches and employers to make decisions about what benefits will be offered to staff in the new year. Here’s a summary from the Board of Pensions about some key activities that need to be completed and some resources to consider in making decisions about employee benefits.

Consider how benefits can help retain and motivate employees

 A one-hour webcast is scheduled in late August to examine how churches can attract and retain employees and motivate them to adapt to the changing circumstances of ministry. The program – “What’s Possible? Strategies to Serve Better” – will be offered at 1 p.m. Wednesday, August 25, 2021, and 3 p.m. Thursday, August 26, 2021. Click below for program details, including registration. 

Select what benefits to offer in 2022

All employers who provide benefits through the Board of Pensions should have received an email recently indicating that the Employer Agreement and Benefits Costs for 2022 are available now on Benefits Connect with a user identification and password.  

Employers have until Friday, October 8, 2021 to review and select benefits offerings for 2022.

Learn about benefits options

Not sure what benefits are available or have questions about the best benefits strategy to use in supporting the well-being of ministers, employees and their families? Reach out to the Rev. Douglas Portz, the Board of Pensions church consultant assigned to work with groups in the Presbytery of Lake Michigan. Doug may be reached via email at DPortz@pensions.org  and via telephone at (267) 788-4962.

There will be no increase in medical dues for Pastor’s Participation for 2022. For the fifth consecutive year, total dues for the program will remain at 37 percent of effective salary. In addition, dues for Minister’s Choice will remain unchanged at 10 percent of effective salary for 2022. (If you haven’t heard about Minister’s Choice, watch this video to learn more.)

There are several benefits that can be offered to employees regardless of the number of hours they are regularly scheduled to work and with little or no cost to the employer. These include dental insurance, a retirement savings plan, dependent care flexible spending accounts and vision eyewear plan. Click here to learn more.