Organizers starting to plan a mission trip to Nicaragua next spring are seeking individuals who want to help assemble and install water filters in rural homes of the Central American country and learn about the work of CEPAD (Council of Protestant Church of Nicaragua).
The trip is being planned by those active with the Presbytery of Lake Michigan’s Nicaraguan partnership. The trip for adults, college students and teens will last between eight and ten days during April, May, or June of 2022.
Participants will stay with a Nicaraguan family for between four and six days. Some time will also be spent learning about the work of CEPAD (Council of Protestant Church of Nicaragua) in promoting self-sufficiency, and creating small patio farms and vegetable gardens to help provide better nutrition for families. CEPAD provides transportation, translators, housing and meals for the delegation.
About 160 presbytery members from 30 different churches have traveled in delegations to Nueva Guinea since 1992, says Ward Wilson, who chairs the presbytery’s Nicaraguan Partnership.
The partnership needs to know by September 15, 2021 who is interested in joining the mission delegation and whether they would prefer to travel in April, May, or June of 2022.
Interested individuals should contact Ward Wilson at judyandward6905@yahoo.com or (517) 414-6099 or Nicaraguan Partnership committee member Carol Wallace at cwallace145@sbcglobal.net or (517) 676-4847.
Is there still an active partnership with CEPAD in Nicaragua? If so when is the next Mission Trip?
Thanks for your question, Jennifer! We do still have a partnership with CEPAD but we have not been able to make recent mission trips due to the political climate and limited, costly airfare. We still prayerfully and financially support their programs. There is a possibility of a trip in late 2024 or early 2025. If you would like more information, please reach out to Ward Wilson at judyandward6905@yahoo.com
Thank you for your inquiry. I (Ward) will put out some feelers to CEPAD and others in the Partnership about a trip this year. The airline cost has dropped alot so it may be workable. Unlike the time your went we combine a work project (installing water filters) with witnessing CEPAD works. We have continued to support our friends in Nueva Guinea prayfully and financially. Please email me at judyandward6905@yahoo.com so I can keep you in the loop.