A diverse schedule of presentations and activities is planned the week of June 14-20, 2021 as the St. Vincent Catholic Charities Refugee Services program in Lansing marks World Refugee Awareness Week 2021.
Complete details about the events – which include both virtual and in-person events – may be found below.
The activities are just one way that Refugee Services supports hundreds of refugees who have settled in the Lansing area since the program was established in 1975 when U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War ended. Since then, the agency has resettled nearly 17,000 refugees from 53 countries.
That was some of the information that Judi Harris, executive director of the Refugee Services and an elder at Okemos Presbyterian Church, shared during the Minute for Mission in the June 8, 2021 Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan.
She also explained how the agency is working to hire additional staff and expand its services as it prepares to help resettle up to 100 refugees this year and some 400 refugees in 2022.
Learn more about the Refugee Services program in the attached document that was part of the stated meeting packet or https://stvcc.org/services/refugee-services/
In deciding to highlight the ecumenical Refugee Services program during the stated meeting Minute for Mission, Leadership Team members invited financial contributions be made to the program via https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/weblink.aspx?name=E6318&id=23 with a note “For Refugee Services” in the special instructions box.
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