Presbytery of Lake Michigan
Clerks of Session
Pastors serving congregations
Church administrators
Dear Siblings in Christ,
Leaders of Campus Ministries (CM) and the Presbytery of Lake Michigan (PLM) Leadership Team have been concerned about past misunderstandings regarding the relationship between the presbytery and its campus ministries. Jointly we wish to affirm the current position regarding our relationship.
The PLM Leadership Team affirms the relationship between the presbytery and campus ministries. We confirm that the Leadership Team has no plans, or expectation, to terminate shared mission or to end support of Campus Ministries using shared mission dollars. We acknowledge that shared mission dollars do not supply the total financial needs of the campus ministries and therefore encourage local congregations to support campus ministries through their church mission dollars, in addition to their PLM shared mission giving.
On Monday, May 3, 2021, the campus ministers along with two representatives from each campus ministry at United Campus (Kalamazoo), UKirk (East Lansing), and True North (Grand Rapids) met with representatives of the Leadership Team. The Leadership Team was represented by Dru Wrasse, Leadership Team Moderator; Sam O’Neill, Budget & Finance Committee Moderator, and Cal Bremer, staff member. They invested nearly two hours discussing past practices, current challenges, and future possibilities.
The following statements represent mutual commitments and understanding:
- Campus Ministries are recognized as part of the presbytery’s mission and ministry.
- Campus Ministries provide ministry to persons who may be at a distance from their home church or community, and they may provide ministry to persons who did not or do not now have a church home.
- Campus Ministries provide ministry to students during a period in their lives when they often have limited financial resources to assist in supporting the campus ministry. This period often lasts from one (1) to six (6) years.
- Campus Ministries have in the past solicited and received support from various congregations within the presbytery. This practice is endorsed and supported by the Leadership Team.
- Campus Ministries are encouraged to maintain contact with those who have benefited from the ministry with the expectation that those who have benefits will share in supporting the ministry commensurate with their income.
The Leadership Team will support the Campus Ministries by:
- Placing the logos for each Campus Ministry on the presbytery’s website identifying them as part of the mission and ministry of the PLM.
- Promoting Campus Ministries through the e-DIGEST.
- Placing videos from the related Campus Ministries on the presbytery’s website.
- Encouraging congregations to pray for specific campus ministries on a regular interval.
- Strengthening two-way communication through the Mission & Outreach Team Facilitator who serves on the Leadership Team.
- Providing time and/ or space at Stated Meetings for communication from Campus Ministries.
The Leadership Team, in concert with the Budget & Finance Committee, has been and will continue implementing plans that reflect current and longer-range anticipated future needs for ministry consistent with the Core Values, Mission, Vision, and Goals adopted by the Presbytery.
Annual financial support for Campus Ministries will reflect the degree to which that ministry fulfills the presbytery’s goals and priorities in the light of available resources and prudent fiscal management.
Together we request your assistance in distributing this message widely within and among the congregations of the Presbytery and the campus communities.
May our God who knows what is needed better than we do, provide for the needs of all God’s children out of the storehouse of God’s riches,
Dru Wrasse
Presbytery of Lake Michigan, Leadership Team Moderator
Rev. Kathleen Robertson-King
United Campus Ministry, Kalamazoo
Neil Myer
UKirk, East Lansing
Nancy Janisch
True North, Grand Rapids
*This information is to be shared as correspondence from the Presbytery with members of the Session at their next meeting. Please share this information with congregation members in your next newsletter.
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