Work continues to get the 2020 Minutes Review checklists completed, reviewed and approved.

Any clerk who participated in one of the three review sessions held during April should submit their checklist form to the Presbytery of Lake Michigan office as soon as possible so that the final approval stamp and signature can be applied and a copy returned for your congregation’s minutes book.  

For those unable to attend one of the three review sessions, one last meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 18, 2021 via Zoom. Any clerk who previously expressed interest in attending this session – plus any clerks who did not attend one of the other sessions and/or have not submitted their completed checklist forms for final approval – will receive an email by Friday, May 14 with link details for the make-up session.  

Each clerk needs to prepare a 2020 Congregational Minutes Book Review checklist. A copy of this checklist is available in both Word and .pdf format on the Documents Page at  

The clerk then should provide a copy of their minutes and the completed checklist – in either printed or digital format – for another clerk to review. See the attached spreadsheet for which clerks were paired for the review process. Check with the other clerk to determine whether they prefer to receive a photocopy or digital copy of your minutes. PLEASE DO NOT, under any circumstances, send your original minutes for the other clerk to review.

A report of which congregations have completed the minutes review process will be made during an upcoming Stated Meeting.