Prayer Requests


Prayers of gratitude for the health and safety of our congregation.

We have an active and concerned Safety Ministry team formed several years ago to plan for emergency situations. They are working diligently to prepare us for safe gatherings when it is prudent. We pray for both the Safety Team and the Worship Team members as they work together in our current climate.

Prayers as our senior pastor, the Rev. Jeffrey Carlson, prepares to retire December 1. May we find a transitional pastor to assist us in becoming our best witness for God.

While it may seem the church is unable to “get much done” in these times, many of our groups continue meeting — mostly via Zoom — to do the work of the church. Our transition team is working diligently to define our way forward, using information gathered in 2019 via an extensive Vision Summit.

Prayers that we may continue supporting local non-profit groups that are vital to our community.

We especially pray for, and assist, the Charitable Union, City Linc and South Michigan Food Bank, and programs like the Early Childhood Connections and Stuff-a-Bus school supply collection that use our space and volunteers but remain on hold or facing significant limitations.

We have increased gifts to our local mission partners, tackled a local work project instead of traveling out of the area, and served at the community “grab and go” breakfast.





First Presbyterian Church of Battle Creek . . .a place where nobody’s perfect and everybody’s welcome.


The congregation is being flexible during these changing times. We grow spiritually through weekly devotions
written by members for our Facebook page. We still pray together and are seeking new ways to be the church.

The pandemic has impressed on our leaders the need to have an improved on-line presence. Work is underway to increase and coordinate communications and live-streamed worship. Leaders currently record worship and the services have continually improved as they develop skills and work with professionals.

Because the congregation is blessed with many XYZ (“extra years of zest” aka seniors), the congregation tries to keep engaged in ministry with those who are home bound and in care centers. They offer assistance with internet connection, and have increased communication efforts. Youth numbers are down but we are doing more multi-generational activities. The congregation especially loves music and continues seeking ways to share it.

Racial justice is included as a focus during the next year and in new ministry objectives as our pastorate transitions. The community is blessed with strong, connected relationships through the “Cops and Clergy” program. And many congregation members are active in community relations.




Keep in touch with us!


111 Capital Avenue NE
Battle Creek, MI 49017

Phone: (269) 964-3700
Senior Pastor: Rev. Jeffrey Carlson
Associate Pastor: Rev. Pat Weatherwax



Each week, the Presbytery of Lake Michigan lifts up one of our faith communities in prayer as part of our mission in Christ. Please share information about this community and their prayer petitions in your church so we can help bring each other closer to God.


Congregations and ministries within the presbytery are invited on a rotating basis to submit information for the Prayers for Churches profile. Thank you for providing information for these special communications.