It’s that time of the year when Clerks of Session usually gather together in clusters to do minute reviews. Since there are limitations on the number of people who can gather and a need to follow social distancing guidelines, the clerks will not meet in person this year.

But the presbytery’s Stated Clerk, the Rev. Fran Lane-Lawrence would still like to meet with the Clerks of Session to do a check in, to answer questions and to do a little training.

So a Zoom meeting is scheduled from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Monday, May 18.

Please mark the date on your calendar now. Then, in the next few days, all Clerks of Session will receive an email inviting them to register for the training session. Those who use the link will receive a second message containing a link and details about how to join the meeting. (If you don’t receive the email, please contact the presbytery’s office manager at