Friends in Christ:
Cal and I continue to hold you in prayer by name each and every day. I am humbled and amazed at the creativity with which you are continuing to build community, care for the needs of those in your congregations and worship God in deeply meaningful ways even though you are not worshiping in person. I give thanks to God for you and for the honor and privilege of serving with you.
The Governor’s office continues to recommend that we avoid gathering in groups and that we practice social distancing. Restaurants and bars have been closed to slow the spread of COVID-19 and flatten the curve. The last update I received from the Governor’s office said that there are approximately 110 cases of COVID-19 infections in the State of Michigan. Ten (10) of those are within the bounds of Lake Michigan Presbytery.
Presbytery leadership continues to encourage our pastors and congregations not to gather in person for worship, but to gather virtually using ZOOM, livestream, Facebook, YouTube – whatever media works for your congregation.
If your congregation does not have the capability to livestream, please join the livestream service of one of the other churches within the presbytery.
Many of our congregations are livestreaming on Facebook and YouTube. While we cannot mandate your congregation to forego in-person worship, we are encouraging virtual worship in the strongest possible terms.
The presbytery office remains closed through April 5, 2020, but we will reassess closer to that date. Presbytery members staff are working remotely or going into the office when others are not present. We
are all available by phone or email; please do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance.
Also, we are offering use of the presbytery’s ZOOM accounts for meetings, prayer groups, or other church gatherings. Please contact the presbytery’s office manager, Sharon Carper, via email to office@lakemichiganpresbytery.org or via a call to (269) 381-6337 to schedule a link. (Not sure how to use Zoom? Use this handy guide.)
Siblings in Christ, though these are troubled times, we know that God is ever present with us – leading us, guiding us, and giving us wisdom to do the work to which we are called. We have been given a wonderful opportunity to be Christ’s hands and feet in the world. May your lights shine brightly into this present darkness. Be safe. Be well.
Your Servant in Christ,
Rev. Fran Lane-Lawrence
Presbytery Transitional Co-Leader/Stated Clerk
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