Is your church safe?

Jonesville First Presbyterian Church took steps to help keep its congregation, staff and visitor safe in all kinds of situations. Members of the Safe Church Committee worked for more than a year to develop a nine-page, detailed plan to keep people safe during a...

Presbytery Office Holiday Hours

The Presbytery of Lake Michigan offices will be closed from Tuesday, December 24, 2019 through Thursday, January 2, 2020. The offices will reopen at 9 a.m. Monday, January 6. Staff will check voicemails and emails periodically during this period and respond as...

Information documented for PLM Members

There were requests during and after the December 3 Stated Meeting of the Presbytery to provide a written report of information presented about various topics, including the budget, the dissolution of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan Foundation, compensation,...

2020 Budget adopted by presbytery

Every budget rises out of a context and reflects the values and goals of the institution for which the budget is prepared. And it is no different with the 2020 budget adopted by the Presbytery of Lake Michigan during its December 3, 2019 Stated Meeting. The 2020...