There were requests during and after the December 3 Stated Meeting of the Presbytery to provide a written report of information presented about various topics, including the budget, the dissolution of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan Foundation, compensation, transparency with regards to documents, and the transitional process within the presbytery.

As a result of those requests, a document was compiled and was shared on December 14 – on behalf of the Leadership Team and its current moderator, the Rev. Karen Kelley — with all Clerks, Treasurers and Pastors serving local congregations along with all other Ministers of the Word and Sacraments within the presbytery and Ruling Elders who are elected or appointed to serve on teams, commissions and committees at the presbytery level.

A copy of the document may be found by clicking the button below.

The document references two attachments, which may be found by clicking the buttons below:

The Leadership Team welcomes conversation and questions about the functioning of the presbytery and its bodies. Feel free to contact the incoming Leadership Team Moderator, Alexander Lipsey, or our transitional co-leaders, or the Leadership Team through the office manager if you would like to ask questions, express an opinion or make suggestions. You may reach the office manager at

Blessings and peace to each of you.