Address: 120 Pine Street, Paw Paw, MI 49079
Phone: (269) 657-3111
Email: firstpres1@btc-bci.com
Pastor: Rev. Tiffany McCafferty
This week, First Presbyterian Church of Paw Paw thanks God for 177 years of ministry and asks prayers for:
- Our ecumenical and community relationships, particularly the ways we partner with other churches to show Christ’s love to those experiencing poverty, those recovering from addiction, and those experiencing incarceration or returning to society from jail or prison.
- The ministry of our high school and middle school youth to our neighbors in need through “Magnify the Light,” where we donate Christmas gifts and food to local families.
- Our congregation’s ongoing support of our Syrian refugee family, which has now grown by two members as grandparents who had been living in a refugee camp in Turkey have now joined the family here in Michigan.
- The contractors working on adding a new accessible entrance and parking area to our church. We also give thanks to the members of our congregation and community for funding this project.
- Spirit-led worship enhanced by our Chancel Choir and our “Word Alive” theater group.
Join us in the heart of the village as we draw closer to the heart of God.
Our vision for ministry is to be a welcoming community of faith that builds, nurtures, and maintains our sacred connection to God, one another, and those in our larger community.
This vision is rooted in the church’s decision to remain in its original location in the hub of the county seat rather than to re-locate outside of the village center as other mainline churches have done. Our “heart of the village” location provides us with a unique opportunity to develop community service connections and resources. We live out this vision as we make our church building available to a growing number of community organizations such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, T.O.P.S., Weight Watchers, NA/AA, Rotary, Eleanor’s Pantry, Paw Paw Community Chorus, Wings of God and yoga exercise.
Learn more about First Presbyterian Church of Paw Paw
at http://www.pawpawpres.org/ or on Facebook.
Each week, the Presbytery of Lake Michigan lifts up one of our faith communities in prayer as part of our mission in Christ. Please share information about this community and their prayer petitions in your church so we can help bring each other closer to God.
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