Preparations are underway for the 2025 proposed budget within the Presbytery of Lake Michigan. Teams, commissions, committees, and groups are requested to submit Ministry Action Plans (MAPs) by June 14, 2024 

Each MAP gives the Budget & Finance Committee an overview of the group’s activities and how they align with the presbytery’s core values, mission, vision, and goals. Completing a MAP helps groups identify past outcomes, challenges, and opportunities, as well as set action-oriented goals for 2025 with estimated funding needs.An instructional email on completing MAP forms has been sent to leaders of groups that received funding in the 2024 budget.

Congregations seeking funding from the presbytery for local or regional projects can submit a MAP, substituting the group name for your congregation’s name and detailing the proposed project. This is optional for congregations.

Once your MAP is completed, return the .pdf file as an attachment via an email to the presbytery’s bookkeeper, Kevin Mejeur, at by Friday, June  14, 2024.

In July, the Budget & Finance Committee will review submitted MAPs and prioritize fund allocations within the proposed 2025 budget. The proposed budget will be presented for first read during the September 14, 2024, Stated Meeting.

For questions about the budget process and MAPs, contact Elder Beth Dyer, Budget & Finance Committee moderator at