Those desiring to gain clarification or provide feedback  on the Presbytery of Lake Michigan 2024 proposed budget and the related narrative can do so during an October 1, 2023, online meeting or by sending written comments via email by October 8, 2023.

All written comments should be sent to and not to any other email address for any member of the Budget & Finance Committee.

Those who want to provide verbal feedback may attend the October 1, 2023, meeting at 3 p.m. via Zoom to ask questions and provide feedback about the 2024 proposed budget. The meeting is open to representatives of Session, representatives of Campus Ministries, Commissioned Ruling Elders (CREs), and all teaching elders, including Ministers at Large (MAL), Honorably Retired (HR) and those serving in validated ministries.

Advance registration is requested by Thursday, September 21, 2023, via an online form to attend the online meeting. Questions about the registration process should be directed to

Sessions may select two ruling elders who will be accorded voice during the feedback discussion. Likewise, each campus ministry may select two representatives who will be accorded voice. (We encourage any others who wish to gain insight to join the meeting and listen to those who are registered with voice.)

The feedback session is scheduled to last up to 90 minutes. Comments by those registered to receive voice will be limited to five minutes; Those who have spoken will be able to speak again after all desiring to speak on a particular topic have spoken.

Those who cannot participate in the October 1, 2023, Zoom meeting are encouraged to email their comments to before 9 p.m. on Sunday October 8, 2023. Please direct all questions and comments to this address and not to any other email addresses used by the Budget & Finance Committee members.

The B&F Committee will meet on Tuesday, October 10, 2023, to consider all feedback and prepare the second read of the 2024 proposed presbytery budget.

The proposed budget documents and related narrative are available in the September 16, 2023, Stated Meeting packet available on the Presbytery Meeting page of the presbytery’s website and in the “Budget and Finance Information” folder on Presbytery Records.