The Board of Pensions recognizes the importance of ministerial self-care and the need for ministers to take a break from the demands of their roles. To support this endeavor, the Board of Pensions offers the Clergy Wellness Support grant, partnering with various programs that focus on vocational, spiritual, mental, and physical wellness. 

Among the approved programs are the Center for Pastoral Excellence, Horizon Hope Counseling, LeaderWise, MoSeGol, Pilgrim House, The Clergy Program – Davidson Centre for the Professions, and The Kineo Center. Ministers can also propose other relevant programs for consideration. 

The grant provides up to $5,000 for program and travel fees once every six years and is available to PC(USA) ministers enrolled in Pastor’s Participation or Minister’s Choice, with an effective salary not exceeding $80,000 (excluding manse value). 

Eligible ministers can apply for this support between sabbaticals by completing the Clergy Wellness support application and emailing the application and required documentation to for review and decision.