The Stated Meeting was hosted by the First Presbyterian Church of Holland. The music provided by this church was truly a gift to all who gathered! The Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, Director of the Office of Public Witness and the Presbyterian Ministries at the UN, was our guest. In the days leading up to the meeting, he traveled to speak at churches in each region of the Presbytery and connected with over 120 pastors, ruling elders, and community members. Other highlights of the meeting included:


  • Reflections on Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 and Luke 4:16-19: To Know Jesus is to Know Justice
    by Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, Director of the Office of Public Witness and the Presbyterian Ministries at the UN
  • Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
    Rev. Cathy Hoop, Rev. Paul Van Kempen and elders from FPC Holland
  • Receipt of more than $1,100 to support the PC(USA) Public Witness and Advocacy
  • Response to the Word: Keynote address by Rev. Hawkins
  • Of Campus Ministries, with a report from Elder Neil Myer, Director of UKirk at Michigan State University
  • Commissioners gathered around to lay hands on and pray for our campus ministers: Elder Neil Myer, Elder Nancy Janisch, and Rev. Kathleen Robertson-King (excused, but prayed for in her absence).
  • Report from Synod of the Covenant by Rev. Chip Hardwick, Synod Executive
  • Report of the Executive Presbyter/Stated Clerk by Rev. Fran Lane Lawrence
  • Report of the Budget and Finance Committee by Rev. Dan Anderson
  • Consent Agenda
  • Administrative Committee to be appointed for the Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Grand Rapids, to discern the future ministry of the church.
  • Amendments to the PC(USA) Book of Order. All amendment were approved with the exception of 22 CC, which was defeated.
  • Commission on Ministry – East Region
    • Rev. Karen Kelley, Jackson, Westminster, Class of 2025
  • Budget and Finance Committee
    • Elder Beth Dyer, Kalamazoo, First, Class of 2025
  • Commission on Preparation for Ministry
    • Elder Bari Johnson, Grand Haven, First, Class of 2025