Several informational items were sent recently by the Presbytery of Lake Michigan to help congregational leaders prepare budgets and financial plans for 2022.

Each congregation was sent on October 11, 2021 a statement of their 2022 per capita, a statement of their 2021 per capita contributions year to date, and a copy of the 2022 Declaration of Intent to Support Shared Mission. This information was sent via postal mail AND via an email to the pastor, clerk of session, treasurer and administrative support staff person.

Questions about the packet should be directed to the presbytery’s bookkeeper, Audrey Curry, via a message to or a call to (269) 381-6337 ext. 4.

Click here to find an electronic version of the Declaration of Intent form.

And click here to find more information about per capita on presbytery’s website on the Presbytery Documents page under the Finance and Stewardship section.