Teresa Larson and Daniel VanBeek are both candidates under the care of the presbytery’s Commission on the Preparation for Ministry.

A Facebook post by Teresa Larson said ” A happy graduation day at Louisville Seminary for Daniel Van Beek and myself!”

Daniel Van Beek posted
“Since Teresa Larson is being modest, she is also the recipient of The Bernice Bean and Gladys Kendall Prize for her superior record of academic achievement and the Field Education Award for her accomplishments in her field ed placements!

Thank you all, PLM, for your constant support for us here at LPTS!”

Teresa Larson posted
“And since Daniel Van Beek is also being modest, he won the Alum Award for Outstanding Graduating Senior award and the Joseph T. Suddeth Award for his outstanding achievement in biblical studies.

We really brought the hardware home! Couldn’t have done it without you, PLM!”

Teresa’s and Daniel’s Facebook posts after graduation Saturday provide an example of how changing times don’t mean that celebrations and happy things don’t happen . . . they just look a little different. How are you finding ways to celebrate God’s good work?