Friends –

Knowing the fatigue of many of our pastors this Holy Week and Easter, two pastors from the Presbytery of Milwaukee have developed a wonderful Easter season worship series that is based on I Peter 2:4-6 and focuses on the concept of becoming Living Stones. Each service begins with a different Biblical translation of the text to convey the sense of journey from an invitation “Come to him, a living stone. . . “ (NRSV) and ending with words of acceptance, “Welcome to the living stone. . . “ (The Message).

The series uses a typical worship order with liturgy, suggested hymns, prayers and children’s activities that have been adapted for online use. And its authors – Rev. Beth Patton, Rev. Nicole Farley and Ruling Elder Rachel Yates – have provided editable bulletins, PowerPoint slides, a worship leader guide and tips to support the worship. Everything is there except a sermon.

Here is a link to the “Becoming Living Stones” resource page: 

You also may find a link to the information on our presbytery’s coronavirus response resource page:

Blessings to all –

Rev. Fran Lane-Lawrence
Stated Clerk/ Transitional Co-Leader