Information for Treasurers and Other Congregation Leaders to Know

2020 Per Capital Rate Set

A vote during the September 14 Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of
Lake Michigan set the 2020 Per Capita rate at $35.20 per member.

That rate includes $8.95 for the PC(USA) General Assembly, $3.25 for the
Synod of the Covenant and $23.00 for the presbytery. The rate increased
by $3.00 from the 2019 per capita rate which included $8.95 for the
General Assembly, $3.25 for the Synod and $20 for the presbytery.

A statement showing your congregation’s 2020 per capita share based
on membership as of December 31, 2018 is being sent via postal mail to the attention of your church treasurer.

Please send payment to the presbytery office by January 20, 2020 so
that full payment can be sent to the General Assembly and Synod by the
dates required. If you are unable to pay your per capita in full by January
20 or would like to make payment arrangements, please contact
Treasurer Kirk Truesdell via email to

Benefits Selection Ends October 11

Congregational leaders must select each year what benefits will be offered to staff and submit the Employer Agreement. 

The deadline to make these selections for 2020 is Friday, October 11. If no selections are made, employees will not be able to enroll.

To explore what benefits are available and make the selections, congregational leaders should visit pensions-org/selecting-2020 or call (800) 773-7752 (800-PRESPLAN).

Shared Mission Declaration Form

Funding the presbytery’s budget using only per capita revenue would require increasing the per member rate by two or three times the current amount. Leadership believes this would place a financial burden on the smaller churches within our presbytery. 

So, in order to fund the budget, the presbytery relies on member churches to give generously to support the varied mission projects of the presbytery and to help fund operational costs, including staff salaries and program costs. 

We ask that you advise the presbytery of your 2020 Shared Mission commitment pledge by completing a “Declaration of Intent” form. Click here to access the form, which also is available at (Note this is a fillable form that needs downloaded to your computer and saved under a new file name before you enter and save your congregation’s information.) The completed form should be sent as an attachment to

Minimum Terms of Call

The 2020 minimum terms of call for teaching elders was set during the September 14, 2019 Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan at: 

  • $35,8089 for clergy living in a manse, and 
  • $46,569 for clergy not living in a manse. 

Updated Remittance Form

An updated version of the Per Capita and Shared Mission Remittance Form is now available in the documents section of the presbytery website at or by clicking here.

The form is now a fillable .pdf that can be saved to your computer desktop under a new file name like “2019.10.08 – Church Name”. After typing your information into the appropriate cells and saving the file again, print a copy to send with the check.