The Presbytery office recently received a request from a pastor in Cameroon seeking to create a connection with a church in the PLM. This pastor previously served a church that had a fruitful and meaningful partnership with FPC Schoolcraft. He has since moved to a different church and is wondering if there is a church in the PLM that would be interested in this opportunity. From his letter:

“I am an ordained Pastor of the PCC who has been serving the Church upon graduation from the Presbyterian Theological Seminary in 1997 with a Diploma in theology and later in 2004 with the first degree in theology. I love exercising ministry in evangelistic dimensions.  

It is on this premise that I felt the urge to seek for partners in PC USA that I believe we can share ideas that will make us grow together in the faith.  

Ntahkekah Congregation is one of the congregations in Mezam Presbytery within the Bamenda Municipality of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon. The congregation has a Christian population of six hundred and fifty – men women and scholars. The congregation has the possibility of carrying out projects that keeps the Church united.”

If you are interested in reaching out and connecting further about this possibility, Rev. Chrissy Westbury, Associate Presbyter, can make the introduction. Please email