Healthy Congregations, Inc. recognizes the challenges of church leadership, particularly in the current climate. Their offerings are practical and transformative.

Healthy Congregations recently announced their 2024-25 course offerings, which include:

  • Workshop Facilitator Training: Prepares participants to share systems thinking in their communities and congregations using the six Healthy Congregations Workshops.
  • GPS for Leadership: Provides an overview of Bowen Family Systems Theory, exploring each of the eight concepts and offering opportunities to apply this theory in work and life.
  • The Leadership Series: Offers leaders across professions the chance to enhance their ability to apply systems thinking principles to self, family, and organizations. This year’s theme is “Cultivating Connections in a Fragmented World.”

A flyer with information about the Healthy Congregations Fall 2024 Opportunities is attached. For any questions, please contact their office at