The afternoon portion of the September 16, 2023, Stated Meeting for the Presbytery of Lake Michigan will include a presentation and panel discussion about gender and sexual diversity.

The discussion will be led by Avery Arden, an autistic, gender-queer minister from Atlanta and member of the More Light Presbyterians board, and members of the presbytery’s Nominating & Representation Committee. The panel will feature presbytery members and congregations speaking about their experiences with the topic.

Nominating & Representation Committee members want this to be a time of learning so they are seeking questions that presbytery members may have about the topic.

Questions should be submitted via an online form by Friday, September 15, 2023.

For more information about the panel discussion and its importance, please read this letter from your Nominating & Representation Committee.

For resources about gender and sexual diversity, please reference this list compiled by Avery Arden about transgender topics and this list compiled by the Nominating & Representation Committee about LGBTQIA+ topics.