Children and youth involved with any Presbyterian church in Michigan may get a summer camp scholarship from a special program coordinated by the First Presbyterian Church of Grand Haven.
The program was established several years ago by a donor who wants children and youth to attend either a day camp or a residential faith development program at a Christian summer camp.
Families are expected to pay, at a minimum, the camp registration fee then return a completed Youth Camp Program scholarship application before May 15 with proof of registration that shows the balance due. Click here for a copy of the application and here for a letter about the program.
The scholarship fund will pay up to $500 directly to the camp to cover the remaining camp fee. No reimbursements will be made to the family. There are no income requirements to qualify.
The donor who established the programs does ask that any child or youth seeking a scholarship do work around the house or community to earn the registration and send a letter after attending the camp reflecting on the experience.
Questions about the program should be directed to the First Presbyterian Church of Grand Haven at (616) 842-6760 or kroberts@fpgh.org.
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