Printing a parking map and downloading materials are among tasks those planning to attend the December 6, 2022 Presbytery of Lake Michigan Stated Meeting should tackle soon.
The meeting docket includes:
- Recommendation of the proposed 2023 presbytery budget.
- Celebration of Saints who joined the Church Triumphant in the past year.
- Installation of the 2023 Presbytery Moderator, Elder Paul Karsten, and the 2023 Vice Moderator, the Rev. Gail Monsma.
- Recognition of the 2022 Presbytery Moderator, the Rev. Christine Barnes.
- Installation of the Associate Presbyter, the Rev. Chrissy Westbury
- Recognition of the Transitional Co-Leader, the Rev. Dr. Cal Bremer
- An offering designated for Puerto Rico hurricane relief through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.
The meeting begins at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, December 6 in Westminster Presbyterian Church at 47 Jefferson Avenue SE, Grand Rapids. Registration opens at 830 a.m., and a soup and salad lunch will be available after the meeting adjourns.
Because there is limited parking, those planning to attend the meeting are strongly encouraged to carpool and arrive early. Click here for a map showing where parking is available.
All teaching elders, ruling elder commissioners, balancing elders, corresponding members, presenters and staff will gather in person. Others may attend the meeting in person or find a livestream video feed of the meeting on the Presbytery Meeting page of the presbytery’s website.
Those attending in person should complete advance registration available online here by Monday, November 28. After that date, send a message to office@lakemichiganpresbytery.org seeking registration instructions.
Orientation for new commissioners will be offered via Zoom at 9 a.m. Thursday, December 1, 2022. Participants should indicate interest in this training when registering to attend the Stated Meeting.
Lunch will be served after the meeting adjourns. The meal will include chili, chicken noodle and vegetable soups plus Caesar and garden salads served buffet style with take-out containers available. Cost will be $7 per person. Please indicate on the meeting reservation form whether you plan to stay for lunch and send payment to the presbytery office BEFORE the meeting.
Preliminary packet materials are available here. The final packet materials will be available by Tuesday, November 29.
Excused absence requests should be submitted by clicking here. Any requests not submitted via this form may not be appropriately recorded.
A link to provide feedback after the meeting is available on the Presbytery Meeting of the presbytery’s website.
Will the meeting be available via Zoom?
The meeting will be in person so it won’t be available via ZOOM. You can watch the livestream on the Presbytery page. But voting is only available to the teaching elders and commissioners in person.