As the presbytery continues living into its Matthew 25 commitment, presbytery members will explore the idea of “One of the Least of These.”
- The docket will include final review of the proposed 2023 presbytery budget.
- Worship will include a Celebration of the Saints who joined the Church Triumphant during the past year.
- Both the 2023 presbytery Moderator, Elder Paul Karsten, and Vice Moderator, the Rev. Gail Monsma, will be installed, and the 2022 presbytery Moderator, the Rev. Christine Barnes, recognized for her work.
- The honorable retirement of two teaching elders, the Rev. Scott Crane and the Rev. Tony Patrick, will be celebrated.
- The offering will be designated for Puerto Rico hurricane relief through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA).
The meeting will open at 9:30 a.m.
Lunch will be served after the meeting adjourns. The meal will include chili, chicken noodle and vegetable soups plus Caesar and garden salads served buffet style with take-out containers available. Cost will be $7 per person. Please indicate on the meeting reservation form whether you plan to stay for lunch and send payment to the presbytery office BEFORE the meeting.
Meanwhile, here are some key activities and dates to note as meeting preparations are made.
- Docket requests for the regular Stated Meeting, should be submitted on or before Tuesday, November 8, 2022 by clicking here.
- Thirty-Second Announcement requests for the regular Stated Meeting should be submitted by clicking here. Staff will reach out to the identified contact person with details about preparing the video announcement.
- Materials to be included in the packet should be submitted by Tuesday, November 15, 2022 to office@lakemichiganpresbytery.
org. - The preliminary meeting packet will be available online by Tuesday, November 22, 2022 on the Presbytery Meeting page on the presbytery’s website. The final meeting packet will be available there by Tuesday, November 29, 2022
- Advanced registration for the Stated Meeting will close on Monday, November 28. After that, those who want to attend should send a message to office@lakemichiganpresbytery.
org. - Orientation for new commissioners will be offered via Zoom at 9 a.m. Thursday, December 1, 2022. Participants should indicate interest in this training when registering to attend the Stated Meeting.
Excused absence requests should be submitted by clicking here. Any requests not submitted via this form may not be appropriately recorded.
A link to provide feedback after the meeting is available on the Presbytery Meeting of the presbytery’s website.
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