Friends in Christ —
In March, members of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan Search Committee took up the task to identify and recommend a candidate for the position of Associate Presbyter.
The committee members all agreed that the ideal candidate must recognize the importance of rebuilding relationships and strengthening bonds as we continue to emerge from the pandemic and contribute to the Matthew 25 commitments that the presbytery has undertaken, particularly around racial justice.
After conducting interviews and spending much time in prayer, the committee members unanimously agree that the Rev. Chrissy Westbury should be called as the presbytery’s Associate Presbyter.
The committee is eager for presbytery members to meet Rev. Westbury who, in her application, stated:
“I feel called to a place where I can be a part of a collaborative team, where leadership is shared and gifts are identified, honored, and put to work. And I feel called to a place where I can use my gifts of extroversion and genuine love and curiosity for people to build bridges and forge connections.”
Presbytery members may get to know Rev. Westbury and ask her questions during two gatherings:
- 7 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, October 20, 2022 via Zoom. Click here to register for this meeting.
- 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, November 1, 2022 in person at the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Portage.
The Leadership Team of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan is calling a special meeting of the Presbytery on Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Portage, MI for the following purposes:
- Receive a report of the Search Committee
- Presentation of a candidate for the Associate Presbyter
- Examination and Election of the Candidate
- Approval of the terms of call for the Associate Presbyter
- Express appreciation for and dismiss the Search Committee
Prior to the meeting, there will be a time of fellowship from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. so that members of the presbytery can get to know the candidate. Click here to register for the Called Meeting and the in-person gathering.
Information about the candidate can be found below. Other materials for the special Stated Meeting, including a docket and a worship order, are posted on the Presbytery Meeting page at lakemichiganpresbytery.org.
Peace in Christ,
Rev. Christine Barnes, Moderator Elder David Habicht Elder Jud Ross
Rev. Linda Knieriemen Elder Neil Myer
Elder Laurie Tupper Ailih Weeldreyer
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