Printing a parking map and downloading materials are among tasks those planning to attend the next Presbytery of Lake Michigan Stated Meeting should tackle before attending the meeting.
The meeting – the first in-person session in more than two years due to COVID – begins at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, June 14 at First Presbyterian Church, 321 West South Street, Kalamazoo. Click here for a map showing available parking. Because there is limited parking, commissioners are strongly encouraged to carpool and arrive early. Check-in begins at 8:30 a.m.
Teaching elders, ruling elder commissioners, balancing elders, corresponding members, presenters and staff will gather in person. Other guests and visits may attend the meeting via a livestream video feed that may be found during the meeting on the Presbytery Meeting page at https://lakemichiganpresbytery.org/presbytery-meeting/
Those attending in person are asked to complete the advance registration form available here. In-person participants are asked to be fully vaccinated OR mask and social distance per CDC guidelines. Lunch will not be served but a list of area restaurants is available for those who may wish to enjoy a meal together after the meeting adjourns.
The meeting materials packet is available now on the Presbytery Meeting page of the presbytery’s website.
Because there is very limited internet access available in the Kalamazoo First sanctuary, everyone is asked to download the meeting materials on to their computer or other electronic device.
As the presbytery continues living into its Matthew 25 commitment, presbytery members will explore when Christ is hungry in our midst. Rev. Rebecca Barnes, Coordinator of the Presbyterian Hunger Program with the Presbyterian Mission Agency, is the keynote speaker. The PLM Cents-Ability Grants will be awarded, and the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated.
A link to provide feedback after the meeting is available on the Presbytery Meeting page at lakemichiganpresbytery.org.
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