Information and applications are available now from the Synod of the Covenant for students pursuing education beyond high school to receive scholarships.
The scholarships – which will be awarded by June 30 – will provide up to $1,500 to any full-time student taking at least nine credits per semester and up to $750 to any part-time student as they pursue a certificate from a vocational program or an associate, baccalaureate or first master’s degree in theology from any college or university.
Completed applications are due by May 15.
Presbyterian applicants, including seminarians, are eligible to apply if they are from within the bounds of the synod and are active members of their church. Students are eligible to apply annually for up to five years.
Click here to find more information about the scholarship and an online application. Applications also may be submitted to grants@synodofthecovenant.org.
Each applicant must discuss their work to strengthen congregational vitality, dismantle structural racism and/or eradicate systemic poverty. Each applicant also must request an endorsement letter from their pastor or session and provide a copy of the Expected Family Contribution statement from the FAFSA form.
Scholarship recipients will be asked to submit a short video about how their experiences related to the Matthew 25 principles and their goals after graduation.
Students whose parents are enrolled in Board of Pensions benefits programs may be eligible for additional scholarship help from the Board of Pensions. Click here for more information.
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