Forms are now available to report the 2022 Terms of Call for teaching elders within the Presbytery of Lake Michigan.
Each congregation is required to annually submit information about the compensation package provided to the teaching elder(s) or commissioned ruling elder (CRE) called to serve their church. The 2022 report should be submitted by Friday, April 8, 2022.
The form for reporting terms of call for installed pastors may be found at https://lakemichiganpresbytery.org/ on the “Presbytery Documents” page under the “Annual Reporting” heading.
The information for installed pastors may be reported in one of two ways.
Submit the information via an online form available here. At the end of the form, there is an option to have a copy of the information automatically put into a .pdf report that will be emailed to both the person completing the form and the presbytery’s office manager.
Download a .pdf fillable file here and fill it out. Save a copy of the completed form to the computer desktop then send the file attached to office@lakemichganpresbytery.org
Those congregations being served by an interim pastor, a contracted supply pastor or a Commissioned Ruling Elder (CRE) are asked to send a copy of the contract approved by the session to office@lakemichiganpresybtery.org.
The completed Terms of Call information is scheduled for presentation to the presbytery during its June 14, 2022 Stated Meeting.
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