Clerks of Session should mark Friday, December 3, as the date the on-line statistical reporting system will open for the PC(USA) 2021 Session Annual Statistical Report.

Sessions should approve the statistical report contents as soon as possible after December 31, 2021. Clerks will then have until February 10, 2022 to enter the data online. 

Information about the statistical reporting process – including a link to the form when the reporting period is open – may be found here.

There is no longer a workbook being published to describe the process. Instead, there is a document with frequently asked questions and key definitions. Click here to access that document.   

Clerks who have questions about how to prepare the annual statistical report for their congregation should contact the presbytery’s Stated Clerk, Rev. Fran Lane-Lawrence, at

Copies of PC(USA) statistical reports from 2008 through 2020 are available online here