Learning how history can help us think about the church, adopting a statement about “The Sin of Racism,” and hearing about campus ministry programs were all part of the June 8, 2021 Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan.
The meeting also included celebrating the honorable retirement of Rev. Dr. Jim Hegedus and the successful examination of Brendan McClenahan as he prepares to be ordained and enter a validated ministry.
Informational documents referenced during the meeting and a video recording of the meeting are available on the Presbytery Meeting page.
The meeting included:
- A report about actions and programs of the Synod of the Covenant by the Rev. Dr. Charles “Chip” Hardwick, interim executive (about 1:04 in the recording).
- The keynote presentation – “Sticking Together or Falling Apart: How Does Reformed and Presbyterian History Help Us Think about the Church – Past, Present, and Future?” – presented by the Rev. Dr. Christopher Elwood, historical theology professor at Louisville Seminary (about 1:30 in the recording).
- Discussion about and adoption of “The Sin of Racism” statement (about 2:27 in the recording).
- A presentation about campus ministries by the Rev. Gini Norris-Lane, executive director of UKirk Collegiate Ministries (about 4:02 in the recording).
Also during the meeting, seven commissioners were selected to receive a copy of Rev. Elwood’s book, “Calvin for Armchair Theologians.” The door prizes were mailed to Rev. Timothy Chon (Lansing – North Westminster), Elder Kay Drexler (Lansing – Mount Hope), Elder Ruth Hetlevedt (Battle Creek – First), Rev. Michael Horlocker (Cadillac – First), Elder Neil Myer (Lansing – Eastminster), Rev. Jim Pollard (Grand Rapids – Forest Hills), and Elder Gary Smith (Holland – First).
Presbytery members are asked to complete an evaluation form to provide feedback about how to improve future stated meetings. Click below to complete the evaluation.
The next stated meeting is scheduled for Saturday, September 18, 2021. Watch the Presbytery Meetings page at https://lakemichiganpresbytery.org/ for more details.
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